My real story of walking again 11

Hi so far I just got back from having a full week off. And that was because I was at home on sunday going to get changed and what do I do! I hurt my self on a iron which is that thing that you unincrease your clothes with then 10 minutes later I say to my mum “mum this is itchy” and she said ” what did you do that on” and after i tell her we have to put an ice pack on it then my arm fFROZE! And I mean it im not lying and then i got a cold from it but im still a little sick but I put tally marks on my legs to count how many days i’ve been sick and so far its been 10 bye

My bud Twindl

It all started when me and my family went on a trip to the shops. I saw as really cute teddy it was like a happy and angry one that could flip sides and I named it Twindl (it was on the side of the road). And when we left to go to the shops? I said “which way to the shops. When we arrived i said “mum can you come to the teddy area to get a mum and dad for Twindl. My mum said yes but when i picked up the mum it was blue pink and purple like twindl but when I picked up the dad it panted and I thought maybe Twindl doesn’t need a dad.                The end